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Density of the Iris

Four Degrees of Density
(Fig. 6, p. 42)

Section 1. Good. We notice only a few straight, whitish lines. This iris is sometimes found in infants and young children, and in sailors and mountaineers.

Section 2. Common. The white lines are increased and more tangled. There are a few hereditary lesions and some dark lines indicating subacute, catarrhal conditions; also some nerve rings. Individuals exhibiting this degree of density may enjoy good health in the usual sense of the term.

Section 3. Poor. In this section white lines are more prominent and tangled. It contains several nerve rings. Signs of subacute and chronic conditions are more numerous. There are several closed defects. Individuals of this type are usually trying one "cure" after another.

Section 4. Very Poor. In this section signs of chronic and destructive chronic conditions predominate. The nerve rings are partially dark. Closed lesions as in Section 3. Prognosis not promising.

Hereditary and Congenital Lesions

The iris indicates abnormal heredity not only in a general way by darkened color and by defective density, but also in a more definite way by portrayal of hereditary organic defects in the iris of the infant, as reproduced in Fig. 6, Sec. 2, p. 42. In this iris we notice in addition to the whitish lines of acute eliminative activity and nerve rings, signs of organic lesions in the form of ovoid or spindle form shadings. In this manner we have frequently seen weak organs and parts in parents indicated in the iris of the offspring.

My oldest son, born when I myself was in a very poor state of health, exhibited by these greyish signs or hereditary lesions almost every weak part in my own body. Thus the diagnosis from the iris of the eye assists in solving definitely one of the mooted questions of science--that of heredity. Orthodox science is decidedly uncertain and contradictory on the subject of heredity. All shades and grades of opinion prevail. Some authorities claim that there is nothing in heredity; others that weakened resistance only is hereditary; and still others maintain that organic weakness and defects of certain parts and organs may be transmitted to the offspring. That the latter are in the right is conclusively demonstrated by iridiagnosis.

Under natural management of Nature's acute eliminative efforts, such as skin eruptions, diarrheas, fevers, catarrhal conditions, etc., the signs of hereditary and congenital organic defects gradually disappear from the iris of the infant. Under adverse management, however, they deepen and darken into chronic signs.

The totality of these various hereditary, congenital, acute, chronic and destructive defects in the iris thus determine the degree of density and serve as a measure of the vitality and recuperative powers of the organism; for it stands to reason that the more seriously vital parts and organs are affected, the lower must be the recuperative power of the entire organism.

It now becomes clear what we meant by our words of solace to the dark eyed folk in the previous chapter. We see now that color alone does not determine the state of health, vitality or expectancy of life. Brown eyes by virtue of racial descent are normal and not indicative of disease.

A person dark eyed as a result of physical abnormality but with an iris of good or common density may enjoy much better health and have a much better expectancy of life than a blue eyed person with a density of the fourth grade, indicating serious catarrhal and destructive defects in vital parts and organs.

The question may be asked, "Is not this contradictory? You state that the color of the iris darkens with deterioration in health, and consequently people with defective iris density should always have dark colored eyes."

I would answer to this that under certain influences destruction of vital parts may proceed much faster than the darkening of the color, but the latter always to some extent accompanies the former.

Is it not a matter of common occurrence to see blue eyed athletes and prize-fighters endowed with magnificent physique and exuberant vitality fall victims to destructive wasting diseases in a few years' time under the influence of riotous living and destructive habits?

Color, density and hereditary defects together are, therefore, the indicators of hereditary, congenital and acquired tendencies toward health or disease.

The Signs of the Second, or Acute Inflammatory
Stage of Encumbrance
(Fig. 14, p. 112, Series I, and Fig. 10, p. 95)

From the very commencement of individual life, Nature endeavors to purify the infant body of its hereditary disease taints and morbid encumbrances, through acute elim-inative processes such as skin eruptions, purgings, acute catarrhal elimination in the form of coughs and mucous discharges from the nasal passages and other cavities of the body, and through various acute febrile diseases of childhood, such as measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, etc.

The universality of these acute diseases of infancy indicates their hereditary origin. If these eliminative efforts of Nature are not suppressed but are encouraged through natural management and treatment, then the little body will purify itself in course of time from hereditary and acquired encumbrances. The length of time required to accomplish this depends upon the nature of the morbid encumbrances and upon the degree of vitality and power of reaction. It may continue from a few months to a few years, or in serious cases the final purifying and healing crises may not develop until the sixth--the first crisis year in the life of the child.

These eliminative processes show in the iris of the newborn infant and growing child in the form of a white star which proceeds from the pupil outward in all directions, especially in those organs where elimination is most active, as, for instance, in the digestive tract and respiratory organs. (Fig. 10, p. 95, John's case.)

The outer parts of the iris, outside of the white star, are usually of a dark violet, blackish blue or dark brown color, from which stands forth the white star around the pupil, which signifies acute forms of elimination, such as purging, skin eruptions, catarrhal discharges, febrile diseases, etc.

As the system becomes purified and more normal the iris will approach more and more to the normal light blue or light brown color, according to the racial descent of the individual. If, on the other hand, Nature's acute eliminative efforts are checked or suppressed by wrong or, as we call it, unnatural treatment, then the iris assumes a still darker hue and condenses in the outer circumference, where the blue or brown borders on the white cornea, in a dark ring or wreath. This was called by the first Iridologists "the scurf rim", because it makes its appearance after the suppression of "milk scurf" and other forms of cutaneous elimination. The formation of the scurf rim marks the beginning of the third or chronic stage of encumbrance and will be described under that heading.

How the White Signs of Acute Inflammatory Lesions
Are Formed in the Iris

As before stated, all acute inflammatory and febrile conditions of the body are portrayed in the iris by white lines, streaks and clouds. When the entire organism is in a feverish condition, the eyes present the whitish, glistening appearance commonly noticed in high fevers and in states of great mental or nervous strain. Such states of physical and mental excitement accelerate the circulation and produce in the affected parts congestion, swelling and pain.

Every acute inflammatory or febrile process is the result of a cleansing and healing effort of Nature. The white clouds in the eyes indicate where Nature's healing forces, the "Vis Medicatrix Naturae", are at work.

When acute inflammation runs its natural course through the five stages, then perfect absorption and reconstruction take place in the affected organ and the resulting condition is better than before the house cleaning. As the inflamed part or organ returns to normal, the white signs of inflammation disappear. (Fig. 14, p. 112, Series I, e.)

The white signs of acute inflammatory conditions are produced anatomically in the following manner:

Congestion in any organ or part of the body reflexly gives rise to similar vaso motor changes in the corresponding organ area in the iris. The congestion in the stroma of the affected area presses the top layers of the iris above the level of the surface. The nerve and muscle fibres thus protruding above the surface (being colorless) appear as white, wavy lines which when grouped closely together resemble white streaks or clouds. When the congestion and swelling in the middle layers of the iris subside the nerve and muscle fibres of the top layer fall back into their normal positions, and then the surface of the iris resumes its normal blue or brown appearance.

When, through injury or surgical treatment, muscular or other tissues have been torn, cut or broken crosswise, the corresponding lesions in the iris run diagonally or crosswise to the surface filaments of the iris, while lesions caused by internal inflammatory processes run parallel with the fibres of the iris. Lesions caused by various injuries are portrayed in Fig. 18 R, area 17, p. 216, and fig. 28 L, area 18, p. 232.


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