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Diseases of the Vital Organs- Signs in the Iris

Stomach and Bowels

Outline of the section: View charts of iris signs for various disease of the vital organs, like stomach and bowel.

The area of the stomach is located directly around the pupil (A), that of the intestines surrounds the stomach (B) and the border of the intestinal field represents the sympathetic nervous system (C). See Chart, Frontispiece.

Fig. 17.

Acute conditions of these organs show white in the iris (fig. 17), while chronic conditions, accompanied by gradual atrophy of the membranes of these organs, create dark grey, brown and black discolorations. (Color plate, figs, e and f.)

Acute catarrhal conditions of the stomach are usually accompanied by excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid as well as by systemic accumulations of uric and other acids (Fig. 17), while the chronic condition, accompanied by more or less atrophy of the membranous linings of the stomach, is responsible for deficient secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18.

In order to find out whether the contents of the stomach are hyperacid or hypoacid, physicians of the regular school introduce rubber tubes into the stomach and take test samples of its contents for examination in the laboratory. The iridologist does not have to resort to this unpleasant and injurious practice. The showing in the iris reveals whether the subject is suffering from hyperacidity or hypoacidity. If the stomach area in the iris shows white, this is a sign of acute inflammatory and hyperacid condition, while dark discoloration indicates a sluggish, atonic or atrophic condition of the membranous linings and therefore a deficiency of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. As a result of deficient secretion the foods remain undigested, enter into morbid fermentation and create noxious gases and other pathogenic materials.

If the stomach, through long continued destructive processes, is in a condition of chronic inflammation or ulceration, the inner edge around the pupil shows dark and ragged. (Fig. 17, p. 215.)

As the disease processes in the stomach proceed from the acute and subacute to the chronic and destructive stages, we observe in the iris the appearance, first, of greyish or brownish spokes. These gradually darken until in the destructive stages they become quite heavy in appearance and black in color. (Fig. 18, p. 216.)

Fig. 19

A weakened and relaxed condition of the digestive tract, resulting in enlargement and prolapsus of the organs is indicated in the iris by the distention of the areas of the stomach and bowels (Fig. 19, p. 218). This is true in a more pronounced degree of the intestinal tract, which is frequently greatly distended in the areas of the cecum, ascending colon, descending colon, sigmoid flexure and rectum, these parts of the intestinal tract being frequently enlarged on account of accumulation of food materials and feces.

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