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Diseases of the Vital Organs- Signs in the Iris

Drug Poisons in the Digestive Organs

What has been said about signs of acute and chronic conditions in the stomach is also true of the intestines. Frequently the stomach area appears whitish, greyish or light brown, while the intestinal area is enormously distended and shows the black spokes of chronic conditions. In such cases stomach digestion may be fairly active while the intestinal tract is in an atonic condition. (Fig. 19.)

In many cases of mercurial poisoning the intestinal area shows deep black, indicating the paralyzing effect of the poison on the intestinal membranes. The liver in such cases also shows chronic signs. The intestinal area frequently shows the signs of quinin, iron, sulphur, opium and its derivatives. We also find in the intestines the signs of iodin but not of strychnin. (Fig. 26, p. 227.)

Itch spots, the signs of suppression of psoric eruptions, we find quite often in the fields of the stomach and intestines. These always indicate a tendency to ulcers and benign and malignant tumors (Fig. 20). Cancer in these organs shows usually as a small black spot surrounded by white. (Fig. 14, Series IV, c.)

Fig. 20

(Fig. 20, p. 219.) I examined this patient six years ago and found several large itch spots in the intestines. I informed the husband of the lady that these itch spots indicated a strong tendency to cancer, but she did not remain for treatment. Four years afterward he brought his wife to us in the last stages of cancer of the intestines. It was too late for recovery.

Fig. 21

(Fig. 21, p. 220.) About the same time that I made this diagnosis I examined another lady whose left breast was slightly inflamed around the nipple. Her iris revealed itch spots in the left breast. I warned her also of the possibility of cancer. She took treatment for two months; then her husband, who did not believe in Natural Therapeutics, forced her to abandon the treatment and return to her home in a western city. When he brought her back three years later, the left breast was a solid mass of cancer. This case also had advanced beyond the possibility of improvement. Itch spots showed also in the left groin and liver. Mrs. S. remembered distinctly that in her childhood she had suffered with eczematous eruptions which were treated with "medicine and salves". Undoubtedly these remedies accounted for the heavy scurf rim in her eyes, and for the arsenical flakes.

If these cancer patients and their relatives had understood the nature of psora and its hidden clanger, both lives could have been saved.

Diseases of the Liver and Spleen

I prefer to describe these organs together because they are companion organs and we find that when one of them is seriously diseased the other also is more or less affected.

These organs are the refineries of the body. The liver refines the end products of starchy and protein metabolism and discharges the waste materials thus extracted, partly in the form of bile, into the gall bladder and from there into the intestines, and partly in the form of urea which is excreted through the kidneys.

It has been known to medical science that, in addition to serving as a burial ground for dead red corpuscles, the spleen has much to do with the purification of the blood, but it was not clear just how this purification took place. Many theories have been advanced which have failed to withstand the tests of scientific research and clinical experience.

The new science of Natural Therapeutics for the first time gives a rational explanation of the true function of the spleen and of the lymph nodes in the lymphatic system. This new theory has been fully explained in Chapter IX, "Inflammation", Vol. 1, and also in connection with the study of various diseases.


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