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(Color plate, Figs. b and c, Page 116)

Outline of the section: No other poisonous drug shows more plainly in the iris compared to Iodin. Read more info here.

The most prominent alterative next to mercury is iodin. Judging from the records in the iris, it must be one of the most popular drugs used by the regular school of medicine, for we find the iodin spots in the eyes of about one-fourth of all the subjects we examine. No other poisonous drug shows more plainly in the iris, but the signs differ according to the mode of absorption. If taken internally, the poison shows in the iris as bright red, reddish brown, pink or orange colored spots or blotches. (Color plate, b and c, p. 116.)

These spots are frequently transparent so that the underlying tissues of the iris can be discovered. Sometimes they are surrounded by white borders indicating that the poison is causing irritation and inflammation or that it is in process of elimination in a healing crisis.

Where the iodin has been applied externally and has been absorbed through the skin, the signs in the iris are of a pinkish hue and appear in the form of streaks, broom-like markings or reddish clouds. It is understood that these signs are visible in the areas of the iris corresponding to those parts of the body in which the poison has accumulated.

The signs of iodin which has been taken internally are often similar to itch spots, still with a little practice they can be distinguished readily enough.

The iodin spots are usually of a brighter red and more diffuse than the itch or psora spots. Sometimes the history of the patient also helps to clear up the doubt.

While other drugs exhibit a well defined affinity for certain portions of the body, we find iodin spots almost everywhere, frequently in the areas of liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels, lungs, pancreas and the brain.

Iodin as Described in
Allopathic Materia Medica

Iodin (Iodum) is a solid non-metallic element. It is obtained from native iodids and iodads and from the ashes of sea weeds. Its principal preparations are potassium iodid, sodium iodid, the tincture of iodin, iodin liniment and iodin ointment. Its actions and uses are thus described in "Materia Medica and Therapeutics", by J, Mitchel Bruce, used as a text-book in leading allopathic medical colleges in England and America:

"Externally applied, iodin is a powerful irritant and vesicant, decomposing organic molecules, and entering into loose chemical combination with the albuminous constituents of the parts. At the same time it stains the epidermis a deep brown; causes considerable pain; and is absorbed into the blood, partly by the skin and partly by the air of respiration in the form of vapor. It is also a very powerful antiseptic and disinfectant."

This description of the action of the iodin again confirms our claim that all antiseptics, antipyretics, germicides and antitoxins are powerful protoplasmic poisons and that their medicinal action depends upon their life destroying qualities.

"The tincture, strong solution, and ointment of iodin are extensively used as stimulants and disinfectants to foul callous ulcers, much like silver nitrate; as vegetable parasiticides in ringworm; and as counter irritants in subacute or chronic inflammation of joints, periosteum, lymphatic glands, the pleura and the lungs, for which purpose the ointments of lead iodid and of mercuric iodid are also applied. In these instances the chief effect is doubtless stimulation. . . ."

Iodin acts as a counter irritant and stimulant because it is a protoplasmic poison. All poisons have a stimulating and irritating effect on the tissues of the body, because the organism as a whole, its organs, cells and living molecules, and the vital forces animating them, are aroused to intense activity by the effort to repel the hostile invader. Temporary benefit from irritation or stimulation is counterbalanced by the inevitable reaction and "the decomposition of organic molecules".

"But a certain amount of the iodin is absorbed, and acts specifically as will be presently described. Iodin in solution is injected into cysts, goiters, hydroceles, etc., with much success. . . ."

The specific action of iodin referred to, consists in the "drying up" of glandular structures. This may destroy them as effectually as extirpation with the surgeon's knife. I fail to understand how this can be called "a cure". Later, I shall give some instances of the chronic after effects of such "absorbent" treatment.

"Compounds of iodin with creosote and various soothing volatile, substances, such as chloroform and ether, are used as continuous inhalations in the so called 'antiseptic' treatment of phthisis, bronchitis and other forms of chronic pulmonary disease."

It is hard to tell whether these antiseptics will more quickly and effectually destroy the lung tissues or the disease germs. (See first quotation.)

"In the stomach and bowels, although it is gradually converted into sodium iodid, the irritant effects of free iodin are continued, with abdominal pain, sickness and diarrhea as the result. . . . In the blood the element is at first found combined with sodium; but this salt appears to be decomposed and the iodin for a time set free, for some of the red corpuscles are broken down (if the amount of iodin is large), and bloody effusions and bloody urine make their appearance. Such results are to be carefully avoided in practice. . . ."

This, too, indicates the destructive effect of the drug.


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