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Nerve Rings

(Figs. 7, p. 57, and 25, p. 226. Color plate, c-d-e-f, page 116)

Outline of the section: White nerve rings indicate an irritated, over stimulated condition of the central nervous system or of certain parts of it. Find out what is it and other related info.

In addition to the white signs, Nature also portrays acute healing activity by white nerve rings and by the appearance of the white sympathetic wreath.

Nerve rings are concentric rings shown in Fig. 7. They look in the iris as though they had been drawn with a white pencil.

According to anatomists who have made a special study of the structure of the iris, these rings originate in the following manner: "During the dilation of the pupil the anterior layers of the iris are disposed in folds, the depressions between which constitute the so called 'contraction grooves or furrows'. These grooves are deepened when the iris narrows and are almost entirely obliterated by being smoothed out as the iris broadens (pupil contracts)." Fig. 8 (B-B), p. 66, shows the contraction grooves as portrayed in standard works on anatomy.

While it may be true, as anatomy claims, that the grooves in the iris are caused by mechanical contractions and dilations of the iris curtain, we claim that these fluctuations in the size of the pupil are also brought about by an over irritated nervous system, by pain, emotional states, etc. This explains why nerve rings appear and disappear in the iris in strict correspondence with pathological conditions in the nervous system. At first they appear white (acute) on account of the fact that all pathological changes occur first in the acute form. (Color plate, e.)

White nerve rings indicate an irritated, over stimulated condition of the central nervous system or of certain parts of it. If they show in certain confined parts or organs only, they often indicate the approach or present activity of healing crises. When they appear in the brain region they indicate a disturbed, irritated or over stimulated condition of brain matter. This is usually accompanied by a nervous mental condition and insomnia. (Fig. 26.)

Fig. 7. Concentric Nerve Rings.

This nerve irritation, when long continued, produces a benumbed, semi-paralyzed condition of the nerves. These progressive atrophic conditions are portrayed in the iris by a gradual darkening and final blackening of the nerve rings. (Fig. 6, Secs. 3-4. Color plate, f, page 116.)

When the nerve rings appear dark grey or black it means that the corresponding portions of the nervous system have passed from the acute, over irritated condition to the atonic or semi-atrophic.

To illustrate--white nerve rings in bronchi and lungs might indicate acute bronchitis or pneumonia. White nerve rings in the brain might indicate hyperaetivity, great irritability, hysteria and insomnia through irritation by systemic or drug poisons or by mental or emotional irritation. Black nerve rings in the same area would indicate a benumbed or semi-paralyzed condition of brain matter, characterized by great weakness and prostration, loss of memory, numbness and partial paralysis of nervous and mental functions.

Fig. 7a. The Zones as Determined by the Five Nerve Rings, the
Sympathetic Wreath and the Division Between Stomach and Intestine.

It is most interesting to observe the gradual change of the black nerve rings into white, and in time the entire disappearance of the white rings under natural methods of living and treatment. I have seen the black nerve rings in the iris of many people afflicted with chronic insomnia or with serious mental diseases. As such cases yielded to natural treatment the black nerve rings always changed into white and finally disappeared entirely from the brain region.


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