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Iris Color and Mental Characteristics

Ancient history records that only a few thousand years ago, before the era of drug poisoning and hyper-civilization, blue eyes and blond hair were still the rule among nations of Keltic and Indo-Caucasian descent, Homer describes his Hellenic heroes as blue eyed and blond haired. The victors in the Olympian games were often so described. Caesar speaks of his brave foes,--the Gauls, ancestors of the brown eyed French,--as blue eyed and blond haired. The blue eyes and golden hair of the captive northern maidens were the envy of the dark eyed Roman beauties. It became the fashion for wealthy Roman ladies to wear the yellow tresses of the Teuton women, while the "peroxide blonde" was not an uncommon spectacle in the streets of Rome.

Blue eyed Caucasian regiments today form the cream of the Sultan's army. Circassian beauties are admired the world over for their abundant and luxuriant yellow hair and blue eyes. The regiment of giants collected from all over the world at great expense and trouble by Frederick William, the father of Frederick the Great, was composed of blue eyed men.

Observe closely first class companies of jugglers, circus performers, strong men, prize-fighters, animal trainers, singers and actors, and note how many brown eyed people you find among them. You will be astonished at the small percentage.

Visit an old people's home and count the brown eyed above 60 years of age; you will not find twenty-five in a hundred.

The following clipping from "Physical Culture" in an article concerning baseball is of especial interest in this connection:

"The reason why the Jew is not more prominent in the greatest of American sports--baseball--is due partly to a physical peculiarity of his race. The first requisite of a good baseball player is that he shall be a strong batsman. One of the methods employed by a manager in selecting his players is an examination of the eyes, for it is a singular fact, though little known, that the best batsmen are men with light-colored eyes. For some reason the dark eyed man has never been able to get his eye on the ball well enough to become a great and consistent batsman. As Jews, with comparatively few exceptions, are dark eyed, they cannot qualify in this important particular. The dark eyed man must have some remarkable special ability outside of batting to recommend him to the consideration of the baseball manager."

Observe school children in cold and stormy weather. You will find the blue eyed outside at play in spite of cold, rain, or storm, but the brown eyed will be in the house hugging the warm stove.

Our brown eyed patients, as a rule, shun the cold water treatment,--they have a perfect horror of it. Many would rather die than be cured by cold water, while the blue eyed usually take to it like ducks. Homeopathy says, '' Sulphur patients shun the water.'' Now sulphur patients are usually psoric patients, and psoric individuals are usually brown eyed.

Let me conclude my discussion of iris color with a few quotations from the writings of Major Woodruff, M. D., of the United States Army, who spent many years in the tropics and devoted much effort to ethnological research,--the study of racial customs and characteristics.

As indicated in the following excerpts from his writings, he fully recognizes the superiority of the blond type. He says:

"The blond Aryan type must have flowed south and asserted its supremacy early, for all traditions from pre-history show the aristocracy and royalty to be of this type, even in lands densely brunette.

"Most of Poland's great men, such as Kosciusko, have been of this type, but the mass of Poles are too inert for Aryan independencies. Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, was a blue eyed Aryan of the ruling aristocrats. His father was a lawyer 'of noble lineage and patriotic antecedents.' His struggle for Hungarian independence was typically Aryan--'equal rights for every class, freedom for religious belief, trial by jury, free public instruction, and the annual meeting of the diet.'

"Investigations show the general tendency to the blond, tall, long headed type among the upper classes of Russia and Poland."

Royalty and nobility of Russia, capitalists and captains of industry, if not Jewish, are of the blond type and of Aryan descent.

Major Woodruff believes that the first men were undoubtedly brunettes from whom blonds have gradually evolved with the acquirement of their higher characters. This coincides with my history of the descent of the races in "Eugenics". The third and fourth race people and the early offshoots of the fifth root race were dark colored and brunette. The Keltic, Germanic and Scandinavian races were normally blue eyed and blond haired.

Major Woodruff further says:

"The blue eyed and rufous (reddish haired) type was chosen in the early centuries for pictures of Jesus Christ.

"Brunettes live in cities, blonds live on the waters. The brunette is a landlubber. The blond is now and always has been the best sailor. He takes to water like a duck, even after several generations have lived on land. He is the yachtsman of the world, the boat-builder, and rules the sea. For centuries the Mediterranean man has been building fleets for the Baltic man's pleasure to destroy. Moreover, Havelock Ellis' studies in the National Portrait gallery lead him to suppose that England's power rests in great part on her blond sons. He says that the small group of prominent people springing from the working classes is among the darkest of the group. He says it is clear that a high index of blondness or an excess of fairness prevails among the men of restless and ambitious temperament,--the sanguine, energetic men, the men who easily dominate their fellows, and who get on in life; the men who recruit the aristocracy and who doubtless spring largely from the plutocracy. It is significant, he further notes, that the group of low class men, artisans, peasants, and the men of religion, whose mission in life is to practice and preach resignation to a higher will, are both notably dark. While the men of action tend to be fair, the men of thought show some tendency to be dark. (Author's note: Those with negative, psychic tendencies.)


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